Vision, Mission & Values
To emerge as a Global producer for Intermediates used in Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals, pigments, Dyes, Agrochemicals, Rubber chemicals, Speciality Chemicals, etc.,
Our mission is to Offer Best Quality Products at Competitive Prices with Timely Delivery to the Satisfaction of the Customer
At Seya, our success has been built upon the fundamental belief that exemplary character, quality work and customized products enhance the lives of everyone involved.
With a strong sense of vision and mission, we adhere to our core values :
Safety – “Safety First” is “Safety Always
With a goal of ’safety foremost’ we assess risk and put safety first before beginning any action.
Quality – Quality is not an act. It is a habit
We, at Seya, put quality first in every aspect of our operations. Whether it’s the quality of our products, the quality of our safety programs, the quality of our customer relationships or, quite simply, the quality of our thinking.
Integrity – Integrity is what we do, what we say, and what we say we do.
We, at Seya, believe in being ethical and doing the right things at all the times. We value and respect members of the communities in which we operate.
Innovation- Innovation is constant learning and reinventing
We, at Seya, see every customer as a business partner. At every step of the way, Seya’s R&D, manufacturing and sales groups work closely with customers to help them improve existing products and to develop new ones as efficiently as possible.
Customer Satisfaction
We, at Seya, believe our continued growth is directly dependent on our customers’ success. To ensure total satisfaction, we are committed to continuous improvement and unparalleled customer service.